

Part-2 When Micheal opens eyes after sometime, he See's Phil was side of him and asks what happened, Micheal and says the full story and immediately Phil replies "MURDER?" ha yeah. How did you find me? I have called you many times but you didn't respond so I opened FIND MY FRIEND app and traced the location and brought you here, and you where fully wounded. Phil "Did u see them" no their faces are covered with mask but something was fallen into my hand and gives it to Phil. Maybe this was a symbol of their group who killed him, maybe this was a planned murder too. Ok take rest i have to leave i have small work, and Phil leaves the house. Phil wants to investigate about the murder, he wanted to know whether any enemy is there for Nikhil and he approaches all his friends. Phil goes to Mahesh(Nikhil's friend) and says, Nikhil had been killed by someone does he have any enemies. Yeah actually Nikhil and Micheal Hate's each other maybe Micheal killed


Part-1 In a house far away from city, den of these people for enjoying themselves but on one fine day, Micheal and Nikhil are too serious discussing about something. Suddenly these guys listens a bike sound and Micheal looks through the window and says to Nikhil "they came". Nikhil takes gun from his pocket and handed it over to Micheal and says hide behind the sofa and kill them. Micheal was tensed and don't know what's happening around him Nikhil pushes him behind the sofa and Nikhil becomes silent and the other 2 guys enter those people covers their faces with mask. They also takes the gun from their pockets and aims at Nikhil. At the mean time Micheal tries to rescue Nikhil by aiming at the other guys but the gun doesn't work he reloads again but it doesn't work again. Micheal shouts "SHIT" immediately one guy sees him and pulls him out of the house. When he come out of the house he listen a gun sound and tries to escape from him in that time